Progress Notes

Progress Notes is all about the journey of life and celebrating those who have looked beyond themselves to the needs of others. It is about becoming passionate about truly living and enjoying life. Henry David Thoreau once determined, “to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life." The world we live in has a way of enthralling people in a myriad of work and appointments insomuch that before we know it, the day is over and much of what we desired to get accomplished is left undone. Too often we put off telling others that we love and cherish them. The Center for Progressive Living is passionate about reminding people how to live again. We are passionate about doing the work that Jesus entrusted to us, and that is nothing more than loving the Lord God with all of our heart, mind, and soul, and loving our neighbor as ourselves. We hope that the pages of our journey make you weep, laugh, encourage, and inspire you to greatness! After all, isn't that what progress is all about?